Instructions on using our Free-to-use FSA return preparation tool (currently unavailable please check back in January 2024) :

1) Create an account on the TaxSlayer website

2) Verify phone number

3) Select option to upload documents directly or select “skip” to enter manually

4) Complete personal information section (Name, SSN, DTB, email, address)

5) Select Filing Status (refer to filing status FAQ on our website to determine status)

6) If Non-resident complete schedule OI portion

7) Claim dependents if applicable

8) Complete the federal return

  • Income

  • Deductions

  • Other Taxes

  • Payments and Estimates (1042-S included)

  • Miscellaneous Forms

9) Add applicable state returns

10) Review Tax Return Summary

Link to FSA Self-Preparation Tool

For additional support and to be paired with a volunteer for assistance, please fill out the following form

For questions please email